Yanks Game 5-27-07 Pictures
Pretty much all of the pictures are from after the game when we waited outside for the players to get on their bus to Toronto. Enjoy :)
Yanks Game 5-27-2007 Photo Album
"Arrogance and self-awareness seldom go hand in hand." - Vesper Lynd, Casino Royale
Pretty much all of the pictures are from after the game when we waited outside for the players to get on their bus to Toronto. Enjoy :)
Yanks Game 5-27-2007 Photo Album
Posted at
6:53 AM
My Life,
The Yankees game was good, up until the 6th inning when Scott Proctor walked in the tying and winning runs with the bases loaded. TELL THE TEAM IF YOU CANT FIND YOUR CONTROL, WE WOULDNT CALL YOU A SISSY! My friends and I all left during the middle of the 9th inning to go get near the Press exit where the Yankees were getting on the bus for a trip to Toronto. Got some nice pictures which I plan on putting up later including shots of A-Rod with his wife and kid, Mariano signing autographs for the sailors, and derek jeter giving a wave. The A-Rod shot is priceless.
Enjoying some nice BBQ right now and gonna try to relax and stave off this sunburn that I got on Saturday and only added onto today. Well worth it though, it was a fun weekend. Saw the third Pirates movie and it was decent. Very long and I had a hard time not cramping up, but the 30-minute fight scene in the end made it all worth it.
Tomorrow Ashley is probably having people over for a barbeque which should be fun. Then it's back to work; joy!
Posted at
6:46 PM
My Life,
The US Air Force Thunderbirds Jet team will be at Jones Beach today from 10am-3pm. Parking is $8 but the show will be free. I will be heading down to see the show with my friend Diana, also meeting my friend Mike, who works at the State Park in the first aid department. With a high of 87 today, a slight drop from yesterdays stellar 90, there should be a major traffic jam into the park. Hopefully, because the show is early, people will try to come during the latter part of the show, clearing my path!
Tomorrow is game 3 of the Yankees' series against the Angels at Yankee Stadium and my friend Ashley offered me a ticket. Hopefully the clouds will take a wrong turn and the rain will be staved off during game time. Still, with all this hot weather, a rain shower might just be welcome. As long as it doesn't postpone the game to another day. My Toronto game got rained out a few weeks ago and they already rescheduled it to the end of September. Sheesh.
Posted at
5:30 AM
My Life,
Parents just got a nice, new, HDTV which should be up and ready for the final 2-hour episode of 24 on Monday night. Hooked it up to the Xbox 360 and it is flippin sweet! Sony sure makes a good TV. All that is needed is an HD Cable Box which will be picked up on Monday due to Cablevisions cooky weekend hours.
In other news, the third installment of the Pirates of the Caribbean series comes out on Friday (or as some people would like to correct me - 8pm on Thursday night) and it is called At World's End. Looking forward to it. This girl in my office is completely obsessed with Johnny Depp and doesn't let me forget with her chain e-mails.
Here's to a great weekend. Scott is down until Wednesday and we got a little baseball in down at the field. Played a hit derby where two water bottles played the 2nd baseman and shortstop while we took shots all around the field trying to score hits. Semi-subjective but fun none the less. Two close calls were rewarded with one hit and one out. The sad part is, I splintered the bat on a pitch inside and we had to use the little league aluminum for the remainder of the game. It works, but not too well on the outside pitch :)
Posted at
5:55 PM
My Life