Yanks Take Game 1
The Yankees took game 1 against the Red Sox at Fenway last night. Lots of controversy going on with the Yankees (mainly involving A-Rod) including:
- A-Rod being seen going to strip clubs with a hot blonde whose name is not Mrs. Rodriguez. A-Rod is then mimiced with 30 blonde masks by white fraternity crowd at Fenway. The noMaas Fenway demographic has about 3/4 of the fans out to be white frat kids and people with the last name Sullivan.
- Wang got a haircut.
- A-Rod screaming at rookie Toronto third baseman leading to a dropped pop-up. Fights ensue.
- Scott Proctor getting tossed from the game at Fenway last night for throwing at Youkilis' head. While certainly understandable, 3 Yankees were hit during that game. The one at Cano looked intentional, though you don't throw at someones head. You hit them in the nuts.
- Joe Torre getting thrown out of the game for arguing yet ANOTHER bad call by these little league umpires. You are getting paid to make accurate calls, stop acting like the third base foul line ump in the Snickers commercial!
METS: they are now plagued by injuries, just as the Yankees have been. Lets see how they hold up for as long as Wright and Beltran aren't in the lineup. The Mets didn't look too pretty last night against Webb and the Diamondbacks.
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Sony and BBC clash over PS3 problems... The Red Yellow Light of Death: reghardware.co.uk/2009/09/18/bbc_sony_ps3/
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