Saturday, January 13, 2007

24 and Clemens Update

... so bad a$$!

24 has two, two-hour episodes coming this Sunday and Monday night, both 8-10pm. I will be missing Sunday night but you can bet I will be taping and watching it before Monday's. Jack Bauer is back and better than ever! 24 is a nice little segue from the NFL post-season into the MLB start of spring training. When camp starts, there is going to be a lot on TV to watch (and a lot of games to attend). American Idol starts up this Tuesday also, but who knows where that show's going to be without the Soul Patrol!?

Update on Clemens: is reporting that Clemens is behind schedule and could need more time than last season if he were to return. This news puts further pressure on the Yankees to find someone internally to fill the void until possible trade talks or a late Clemens acquisition. Who knows, they might even find that Hughes or Sanchez is MLB ready and they won't need Clemens at all. It certainly couldn't hurt though.

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