Saturday, January 13, 2007

FILM: The Illusionist

2nd time watching. First in theaters, second in my living room. Enjoyed it thoroughly both times. The Illusionist is an all-around nice film. Starring Edward Norton (one of my favorite), the beautiful Jessica Biel, and Paul Giamatti, it is a story of the art of illusion that requires your fullest attention. Try not to watch it with outspoken person(s) because you will not fully enjoy its manipulation. I, myself, try not to watch such movies with my dad while my mom is in the room because the dogs follow and she has to go through her routine of saying rediculous things aloud such as "I don't understand why the dogs are drueling all over the couch and my leg while I am sitting here eating ice cream," or something like that. Same routine every night.

Anyway, here is a shot from the film. I know you will enjoy this one, unless you are one of the outspoken =P

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